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My Daily PhotoBlog since May 2007
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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

How this got started...

...excerpt from

About a year ago I started taking a photo of something I was grateful for, every day. The conscious act of taking a photo every day meant I had to be actively looking for and recognising blessings in my life — ergo, the attitude of gratitude became a conscious act.

Over the 366 days of my personal project (including a leap day), counting my blessings became an intentional state of mind as I searched for "daily blissings" throughout each day.

I estimate it took me three months before I stopped searching for my daily blissings, and instead they began throwing themselves into my path. This blog continues this journey of gratitude.

1 comment:

MrAdventure said...

That's wonderful! I'm going to start that today!
