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My Daily PhotoBlog since May 2007
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Monday, December 29, 2008

TT5: Peace On Board

Very cool car window sign found! Peace on earth starts with PEACE ON BOARD :-)

I wonder if this will solve some of the complaints that come from the back seat during long car trips:

1. Are we there yet?
2. Are we there yet?
3. Are we there yet?
4. How many more towns?
5. He hit me!
6. He hit me first!
7. If I have to stop this car.... (from the driver's seat)
8. I spy with my... SHUT UP!
9. I'm hot.
10. I'm bored.
11. Poke.
12. I saw a punch buggy! (PUNCH)

Boy with the amount of fights I had with my brothers over the years you'd think I'd come up with 13 originals instead of repeating ARE WE THERE YET!


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Bad Santa

This is my little Princess Me Me and her first experience with Santa... what a glorious photo of her tonsils.

Is it just me or is Santa Claus the biggest ever perpetuated urban myth IN THE WORLD?

Re-thinking the "truths" that I'll be passing onto my daughter after this big-little panic attack, ha ha.

Monday, December 15, 2008

My intention for 2009

2009 is going to be an amazing year. It's a year of realising full potential, of unleashing all the wisdom and talents that have been accrued and nurtured until now. It's a year when we'll get to shine, and to share our gifts with everyone around us...

As such, last night I set my intention for 2009.

I open myself fully to trust so that Spirit may fan my divine spark to the point of overflowing -- this way I can share "light" with everyone I meet in 2009.
