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Monday, December 29, 2008

TT5: Peace On Board

Very cool car window sign found! Peace on earth starts with PEACE ON BOARD :-)

I wonder if this will solve some of the complaints that come from the back seat during long car trips:

1. Are we there yet?
2. Are we there yet?
3. Are we there yet?
4. How many more towns?
5. He hit me!
6. He hit me first!
7. If I have to stop this car.... (from the driver's seat)
8. I spy with my... SHUT UP!
9. I'm hot.
10. I'm bored.
11. Poke.
12. I saw a punch buggy! (PUNCH)

Boy with the amount of fights I had with my brothers over the years you'd think I'd come up with 13 originals instead of repeating ARE WE THERE YET!


1 comment:

The Frugal Angel-Guided Psychic said...

Hello, you have an award waiting at my site! Keep on writing!
